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My name is Angelica Galante. I am a William Dawson Scholar and Associate Professor in Language Education/Applied Linguistics at McGill University. I conduct research in the areas of critical sociolinguistics, classroom research, language pedagogy and policy using mixed methods. The work highlighted on this website stems from my PhD research examining plurilingual instruction in relation to monolingual instruction. If you are interested in knowing about my most recent projects, you can watch some of the videos below and visit my lab website: Plurilingual Lab.

Funding and Awards


University of Toronto

Ontario Graduate Scholarhip (OGS)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF) - Doctoral Disseration Grant 2017

International Foundation Program (IFP) at New College - University of Toronto - Senior Doctoral Fellowship 2017

Graduate Student Award, Multilingual Matters - American Association of Applied Linguistics 2018

Leithwood Award for OISE/University of Toronto Best Dissertation of the Year 2018

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